Background Check Podcast
After five DWI’s landed me prison, something had to change. One day I got into a fight and I spent eight days in solitaire confinement thinking about my life and the decisions I had made that led me to that dark place, literally. I came out of the hole a different man with a different heart, mind, soul, direction, and outlook on life. I got mentored by a couple of inmates who eventually made parole but within a year they were both back in. This confused me and ticked me off. I wondered how I was going to make it out there. Then I had a dream of opening up a transitional house for men so they would have a supportive place to parole to. Then I got out. It was awesome and sucky at the same time. After navigating two years on parole with a breathalyzer, not being allowed to drive my own dad to chemo treatments, tons of rejections for jobs, and being told ”NO, felons can’t live here” when trying to start my marriage at an apartment complex, I could finally breathe. But everywhere I ...

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
This is the audio portion of the video podcast. It is made for video and has several parts where there's just music playing, that is video. This series is mainly for the men and women across the nation in jails and prisons watching and listening on their tablets, but we are making it available to everyone out here as well. You can also watch on our YouTube channel by clicking here. We are asked all the time to be mentors to people in prison and while we can't mentor one on one with everybody, we can teach from our mentor's book and help everyone to grow into the best versions of themselves. Tuan and I (Jay Dan) are John Maxwell Certified Coach/Trainer/Speakers and we love sharing what we learn from our mentors with anyone who can use it. We talk about how these laws work in prison, the home, or the business world. So if you just want to grow, subscribe to this channel and listen each Wednesday for the next 7 weeks as we discuss our favorite 7 of the 15 Laws of Growth from John Maxwells book. If you have a loved one in prison or jail, tell them to watch on the Pando app. If there facility has tablets but they can't get our show, tell them to write the tablet company to request our show, Background Check Podcast. Let's GROW.

Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
ALL WE DO IS NGUYEN with Tuan and Olevia Nguyen You've heard from Tuan on several occasions but now HE'S MARRIED! We get to hear from his amazing wife, Olevia, and boy do they hit hard. They drop so much marriage and relationship wisdom for only being married a couple of months. Man, there's laughter, transparency, vulnerability, and so much more. Whether you are single, engaged, married, struggling, or fine, this podcast is for you. Of course Jessa nails the announcements. We celebrate on of our residents, Steve Garrett, who graduated from a work training class at Dallas College. Watch on our youtube channel:

Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
This episode we sit back down again with a regular guest, Tyler Bothne AND her best friend, Kristin Funderburg, to talk about The Hiding Place. And of course, Jessa nails the announcements. The Hiding Place is a transition home for women coming out of any crisis situations such as but not limited to addiction, incarceration, prostitution, and trauma. They are dedicated to rehabilitating the women by providing housing in a safe environment where they can process and heal from past trauma, equip them how to live a healthier holistic lifestyle, and empower them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with others. Love is their strategy. Check out to learn more. Watch the video on YouTube

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Paul, Reggie, and I were locked up together at the Lockhart unit, now known as Coleman. Through church, work, and a prayer circle at work, we got to know each other and became great friends. Since all getting out, within a couple of years of each other, we have all remained friends. Paul and Reggie were also in my wedding. We were all close to the chaplain at Lockhart and she surprised us all and showed up at my wedding. In this episode we talk about faith, sports, our time at Lockhart, and how we navigate the ups and downs that is life. Paul and Reggie discuss what led them to prison. Reggie talk about what his mom said to him when she tirst traveled trom Chicago to lexas to see him in prison. Oh, and announcements with Jessa is always fun. And we make a big announcement. Thanks for listening. Spread the word. Tell your loved ones in prison to watch on Pando. You can watch on our YouTube channel @forgivenfelon Make your background pay you back this week.

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
In this episode we sit down with Brian Townson. His story has so many turns, but eventually the best turn he ever made was turning to Jesus one day. I met Brian through attending the Prison Fellowship Academy graduation at the Carol Vance Unit. Since then, I have gotten to know him through social media, but really got to know him more at Tuan and Olevia's wedding in Mexico. Announcements with Jessa. We do a tribute to all the veterans. Thank you all for your service. Have a great week. You can also listen on all podcast platforms. Please subscribe. Email us to let us know an episode has impacted your life. Watch this episode on YouTube:

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
In this episode we sit down with parole attorney, Marshall Millard, to discuss baseball, fishing, parole, and Jesus. Jessa gives thank you shout outs for her birthday cards. If your loved one is in Texas and needs a parole attorney, call Marshall directly. Phone number 210-415-3029. Please subscribe and spread the word. Do you know someone who would be a good fit for the show? Email me

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
In this episode, we start off with announcements with Jessa, talking about Ranger's, the Hiltop Trusty camp and Tina Washington, a couple of praise reports, and our Connect Group at Social Dallas. Then we sit down with Christian Hip Hop artist, Xsedus and hear his story. He dives into how long he's been writing rap lyrics, his studio gangster years, and more. We play a couple of his songs for you too. Enjoy this episode and let us know if it had an impact on your life. And be on the lookout for Xsedus and his team inside prisons. Spread the word. You can also listen on all podcast platforms. Tell your loved one in prison to watch on the Pando App Write us at: Forgiven FelonsPO Box 4283Cedar Hill, TX 75106 Watch on the YouTube channel:

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
In this second episode of "It's Not My Fight" Noemi dives into the reversal of her parole answer, the loss of her husband, and how God is sovereign through it all. Get some more tissues because you will cry more, laugh a little, and know that God loves you, is for you, and can turn anything you go through, into something that gives Him glory. Thank you Noemi for being brave enough to share your heartbreaking story with the world and be transparent enough to let us know that you don't have all the answers but you are the bride of someone who does. Forgiven Felons Background Check Podcast PO Box 4283Cedar Hill, TX 75106 Don't forget to tell your loved ones on the inside to watch on the pando app or the audio podcast. You can write the show at Forgiven Felons Background Check PO Box 4283 Cedar Hill, TX 75106 or email the show at Let us know if an episode has impacted you. Announcements with Jessa, Jessamy, and Jay Dan. We talk about the Ranger's, EWOP, and pray over everyone.

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
In Part One of "It's Not MY Fight" we meet Noemi Martinez. I met Noemi one morning at church, Social Dallas, when she came up to me and asked about my shirt that "Forgiven Felons" on it. Then she told me her story and I knew we had to get it on Background Check. You will LAUGH, CRY, and FEEL the Holy Spirit in this interview. Noemi doesn't hold back anything and gives God all the glory for everything in her life. She talks about her desire to have a healthy daddy daughter relationship growing up. Now she talks about Jesus being her husband as the bridegroom of the church. You'll be on the edge as she tells her parole story, but you'll have to wait til part two to hear how it ends. Write the show at: Background Check Podcast Forgiven Felons PO Box 4283 Cedar Hill, TX 75106 Watch the Forgiven Felons Documentary: How to get more involved with Forgiven Felons: Leave a review and subscribe on iTunes: BUY MERCHANDISE FOR A CAUSE: Learn about our Future Plans or to DONATE A BUILDING:

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
In this episode, we continue our conversation with Cody Ford of Worthy People. Cody was born dead to a drug-addicted mother and as a result has scars all over his body to this day. He survived the projects, the foster care system, and life on the streets at 18 years old. At 20 years old in the Texas prison system, 3 years into his sentence he desired a new way of life. When he learned his worth in Jesus, it changed him and he never looked back. Now Cody and his wife lead a ministry and travel to prisons with the message to remove the labels of society by seeing and accepting all people as Jesus does. We talk about everything from sports to addiction, to prison, to ministry. You will laugh, cry, be inspired, and motivated, but most of all..... will know you are WORTHY. Check out his podcast on his youtube channel or Pando. They are a top trending podcast in prisons and jails all over the nation. Click on any link to find out more about them or follow them on social media. IG: FB: Write Background Check Podcast and Forgiven Felons: PO Box 4283Cedar Hill, TX 75106 Forgiven Felons website: Watch the Forgiven Felons Documentary: How to get more involved with Forgiven Felons: Leave a review and subscribe on iTunes: BUY MERCHANDISE FOR A CAUSE: Learn about our Future Plans or to DONATE A BUILDING: